Dr. Julie Briley Naturopathic Physician
Dr. Julie Briley is a licensed naturopathic physician. She works with patients to meet their health goals by identifying and addressing the underlying causes of symptoms, diseases, or imbalances.
Some areas of interest for Dr. Julie are to identify and treat hormone imbalances, including adrenal, thyroid, and reproduction hormones, supporting optimal digestion and addressing gastrointestinal symptoms and conditions, and preventing and improving chronic diseases. In addition to providing dietary and lifestyle recommendations, she uses treatments that blend the best of modern science with traditional natural medicine, including nutritional supplements, herbal medicine, and bioidentical hormones.
In addition to her clinical practice, Dr. Julie is the co-founder of the Food As Medicine Institute (FAMI) at the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM), which provides community-based nutrition and cooking education. She is also the co-author of the book Food As Medicine Everyday, Reclaim Your Health With Whole Foods.
Dr. Julie received a Bachelors of Science in Biology, and minor in Environmental Studies from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine from the National University of Natural Medicine. Dr. Julie’s longstanding interest in natural medicine, community health education, and commitment to underserved communities was first sparked when she served in the Peace Corps in Paraguay.
Dr. Julie is a Naturopathic Physician specialist and does not provide Primary Care Services.