Heather Green

Heather Green Licensed Massage Therapist & Chiropractic Assistant

Heather has always been an active individual trying to live a healthy lifestyle. She swam competitively in high school and is an avid skier. Heather has a Bachelor of Arts in Film, with 10-years experience in the camera department. The job was very technical and helped to develop people skills for all walks of life. This experience translates well to her bodywork as she relates to people easily and loves to think through complicated neuromuscular patterns.

Heather chose to attend University of Western States Massage Therapy program for its medical massage focus, sports internships and outreach events. Heather has been in practicing alongside Chiropractors since becoming an LMT 3 ½ years ago and enjoys working collaboratively with the client’s doctor to optimize their healing and injury recovery. She is an active listener to ensure all client concerns are addressed and honor each client’s journey on their path to achieving their greatest health. Heather utilizes self-care techniques with her clients to keep discomfort and pain at bay with tools such as ergonomic suggestions, stretches and exercises, and assessing activities of daily living and how to change items that may be contributing factors.

Heather has worked with all kinds of client presentations including athletes, arm chair athletes, computer-centered professionals, pre and post-natal, injuries, surgeries, joint replacements, health issues/diseases and those needing a quiet, calming experience. Heather uses a variety of modalities such as deep tissue, myofascial release, muscle energy technique, Swedish and lymph drainage.

When Heather is not at work, she loves playing with her two boys and cooking healthy meals and slightly healthy desserts.

Heather Green, LMT# 19356