workplace injury
Every year, millions of Americans suffer occupational injuries due to falls, repetitive motions, overexertion, impact with objects, and work-related automobile accidents. If you have been injured on the job site in Oregon, it’s important to submit an Oregon Form 801 to your employer. Asula accepts Oregon workers’ compensation insurance, which will pay for medical expenses related to your injury. Integrative chiropractic care is one of the first lines of treatment for many workplace injuries, including back and neck pain, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, nerve damage and tendonitis.
In addition to chiropractic care, our holistic health center also offers massage, acupuncture and naturopathy to present a full range of treatments for your injuries. If you are looking for a natural, non-invasive treatment plan to provide relief to your pain and discomfort, Asula can help you. We feel strongly that non-surgical procedures should always be the first option in correcting injury. Our treatments have been proven time over time to stimulate the amazing regenerative potential of your body, with little to no side effects.
Discover the medicine in massage